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Yoni Goldberg

Independent Node.js Consultant


What's new in JavaScript testing? Quite a lot

What tremendous shifts might you have missed in the JavaScript/Node.js testing world over the past two years? Allow me to walk you through colorful features that tell the story of a new world of testing. We’ll focus on important and exciting: changes in test runners like Vitest 'browser mode' and the new StoryBook runner, new offerings from Playwright, see new ways to check contracts and mock APIs, explore intriguing new libraries, experiment with AI-based tools like Auto-playwright, and everything else to prepare you for writing better tests in 2025. Don't like theoretical talks? This one is for you


Yoni Goldberg is an independent consultant who works with 500 fortune corporates and garage startups on polishing their JS & Node.js applications. He's also the author of Node.js' largest best practices collection. More than any other topic he is fascinated by and aims to master the art of testing. At his spare time, he likes to write in his blog and debug production application using console.log